The Medical Directorate Team comprises our Medical Director, Deputy Medical Directors, Quality Improvement team and preDoc team who together are responsible for monitoring and improving the level of care we provide to our patients, as well as the implementation and overseeing of quality assessment, improvement, performance and strategies that enhance patient care and improve our medical practices.
Our Clinical Leads, who are also part of this team, support their teams to innovate and improve patient safety and experience, by adopting and integrating services and transforming care pathways, to create an environment where patients come first.
The Quality Improvement Team support and empower teams to continuously improve the quality of care that we provide to our patients, as well as patient experience.
Using clinical governance frameworks, the QI team aim to standardise and structure our processes, so that we achieve better outcomes and continually strive to not only meet but surpass standards set by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The QI team oversee the significant event reporting and management process, which is our way of formally analysing incidents that may have implications for patient care. Regular meetings to discuss and escalate incidents enable us to deal with any issues effectively, safely and rapidly. This process helps us to learn from what went wrong or right and instigate new processes, so that incidents are not repeated.
The preDoc Team is comprised of medics and administrators that develop and test new patient-facing questionnaires and run the supporting operational processes. preDoc is a tool that has been developed by Medefer to improve patient care by offering more patients better opportunities to describe and provide updates on their specific issues in a way that is convenient for them. It is a patient-friendly online tool designed to make it simple to gather relevant medical data to feed into clinical decision making. The preDoc is continuously developing other uses, such as to assist the training of new clinicians and to support case finding projects such as with the Surrey and Sussex Cancer Alliance.
Medefer is a CQC-registered organisation, and we received a rating of ‘Good’ across all 5 Key Lines of Enquiry at our first full CQC inspection on 27 August 2019.